superb 4-tracker from Affkt
This 4-tracker from Spanish Affkt might quite simply be his best release to date. I have always admired his different and quirky productions and as the followers will know we have released tracks with Affkt before.This time me and Marc (aka Affkt) went deep into A&R’ing the release to make sure all tracks reached their full potential. Tracks have been added and removed from the release over time. The tracks have been re-arranged, adjusted, revisited over a period of 9 months time (yes thats how much time we spent carefully putting this release together and making sure it was perfect). I am really proud of what Marc acomplished with this release on Noir Music. All 4 tracks work really well in the clubs and they each have a very strong Affkt signature which I wont bother describing in detail by words but rather have you listen to these amazing Squared pieces.